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Satan's Primary Strategy

We are instructed in the Bible to be aware of Satan's schemes, his strategies.

In order that Satan might not outwit us.

For we are not unaware of his schemes.

2 Cor. 2:11
Yet how many of us bother to understand the enemy we face.  How effective would an army be if it went in to battle without making an effort to understand the enemy?

Satan's primary strategy is weakening, or cracking  the foundation of  our lives. Although we sometimes give credit for Satan being creative, in reality, he is quite predictable. He will always come after our foundations if he feels we are a threat to him. If you find yourself growing in the Christian life then you will inevitably experience an attack from Satan or his demons against the foundations of your life, such as your family and loved ones, your church family relationships, and perhaps the most important, your relationship with God.  You can count on it!

Satan has been attacking people's foundations for a long time, and he sticks with what works for him. How many of us have seen Christians enter into great fields of service only to have their legs cut out from under them? It could be from a spouse that refuses to partner in the ministry, a son or daughter that is horribly rebellious, or a fallout with a parent or sibling,  It could also happen within our church family. How many times have we seen a church begin to grow and see powerful miracles and
salvations, only to see the elders and pastors get into conflict or members become jealous of one another and begin criticizing each other and the leadership. How many of us have been wounded in a church environment where we thought we were safe? How many people today distrust church leadership because they have been betrayed or disappointed? When these things happen, they weaken our foundation and bring darkness and heaviness to our heart -- all but rendering us ineffective in service to the Lord. We must be mindful of Satan's attacks on our foundation and continually work to strengthen our marriage, family, and church relationships by praying together and for one another, and unselfishly serving each other.


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